Nothing says Fall quite like pumpkins. I love ALL things pumpkin and have had so much fun creating crafts, play recipes, and experiments using this autumn staple.
Here, is a collection of our favorite pumpkin themed activities, crafts, and games for kids.

Pumpkin Crafts & Activities for Kids
- Create melted crayon pumpkins.
- Decorate pumpkins that glow-in-the-dark.
- Make potato head pumpkins.
- Grow plants inside of a jack-o-lantern.
- Make paper plate pumpkin lanterns.

- Make erupting pumpkins.
- Experiment with ghost pumpkins.
- Grow a pumpkin inside of a pumpkin.
- Make sensory bags using real pumpkin.
- Review numbers with this fun pumpkin math activity.

- Make your own pumpkin slime.
- Turn pumpkin into play dough.
- Use yarn and glue to make 3-D pumpkins.
- Make pumpkin bird feeders.
- Keep kids busy with pumpkin cloud dough.

- Make pumpkins from paper plates.
- Make stained glass pumpkins.
- Make hand-print pumpkins.
- Use blocks to stamp paint pumpkins.
- Make moon sand that smells like pumpkin pie!
- Make your own pumpkin scented paint.

- Turn yourself into a pumpkin using a paper plate.
- Make pumpkin lanterns.
- Turn an apple into a pumpkin stamper.
- Play pumpkin golf.
- Keep kids busy with endless games of pumpkin tic-tac-toe.

- Poke-a-Pumpkin.
- Play "Pin the pumpkin".
- Use balloons to "Pop the Pumpkin".
- Play pumpkin ring toss.
- Go pumpkin bowling.

- Review basic math concepts with pumpkin seeds.
- Try pumpkin sewing.
- Learn about emotions with pumpkins.
- Make your own pom pom pumpkin patch.
- Use salt to paint pumpkins.

- Make tissue paper pumpkins.
- Make learning fun with a pumpkin sensory bin.
- Turn your child's hand-print into a pumpkin.
- Give these pumpkin decorating ideas a try!