Moon sand is like play dough, but the corn starch in the recipe makes the dough ooze like slime. Sounds cool, right? Today, we added a seasonal twist to this recipe and added elements of fall.
- Play sand
- Corn starch
- Water
- Pumpkin pie spice
- Powdered paint (optional)
- Play bin/container

Rosie and Jewel had a blast with this oozing, mold-able sand! They played and played, and then they came back and played some more.
- Begin by combining two parts of play sand with one part of corn starch in a large bin or play container. For point of reference we used 4 cups of sand and 2 cups of corn starch.
- Add 1-2 teaspoons of pumpkin pie spice and mix.
- Add food coloring or powdered paint at this time, if additional coloring is desired. You can also use crushed chalk to achieve a pumpkin-like color.

- Slowly begin to add water and mix, slowly adding more water & mixing until the desired consistency is reached. You want the sand to be damp and mold-able but not too wet.

- Add toys and diggers, and the fun can begin!

Extend the Fun
- Make glow-in-the-dark sand.
- Experiment with a sand volcano.
- Paint with sand.
- Use science to make sand slime.
- Make your own sticky sand.
- Wow kids of all ages with kinetic sand.
- Turn pantry items into colored sand.
- Make apple moon sand.
- Play and explore with quicksand.
- Play and create with homemade aqua sand.
- Store pumpkin moon sand in an air-tight container between play, and it can be used for up to one week.
- Homemade moon sand will dry out a bit between uses, but that is ok. Just add a touch of water, mix, and the fun can begin again!
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