Today, we had lots of fun using balloons as an art medium. Read on for a few creative ways to paint with balloons!

Balloon POP Painting
- Begin by carefully squeezing 1-2 tablespoons of paint into a large party balloon. You can use washable tempera or any other type of paint, but liquid watercolor paint works best.
- Once the paint is added use a pump to fill the balloon with the desired amount of air, and then tie it tightly. Using a balloon pump helps to ensure that you don't get paint in your mouth. You can get one here.

- Repeat this process, rotating paint colors inside of the balloons as desired.
- Once the balloons are prepared you can hang them from poster board, canvas, or similar heavy stock.

- I used scotch tape to secure our balloons to poster board on the pavement. This made popping the balloons easier for my toddlers. Then, it was time to PLAY!
You can give older kids darts to throw at the balloons, but I wanted to create a safer way to balloon POP paint, so I gave Rosie and Jewel bamboo skewers. This worked great!

They had a blast popping the balloons to make splatter art and wanted to do it again & again!

Water Balloon Painting
For this activity we filled water balloons with paint following the same method that we used when we made chalk balloons. You can see the full tutorial here.

- Once the balloons were filled we placed poster board around the area where they would be thrown. Then, Rosie and Jewel had a blast tossing them at the paper to make art!

The loved watching the balloons burst and even got to throw a couple of them more than once!
Alternative Way to Play
- Have a water balloon paint war! Wear white shirts. Whoever ends up the most covered in paint loses.

Painting WITH Balloons
This activity was easy and is especially great for toddlers. Method
- Blow up a few balloons.
- Set out a few plates of paint.
- Then, have kids dip the balloons into the paint to make art.

Rosie and Jewel loved using balloons as a paint brush. Simple, easy, and so fun!
Using Balloons as a Canvas
Another fun way to paint with balloons is to use them as a canvas.
- Blow up a few balloons.
- Hang them upside down from string, ensuring that they are at child-level.
- Then, give kids brushes and paint, and they will have a blast painting the balloons to make art!
- Make paint that is taste-safe.
- Turn old markers into paint.
- Make your own face paint.
- Paint with water beads.
- Turn sand into paint.
- Make paint from rain.
- Try freezing paint.
- Make glows-in-the-dark paint.
- Make your own spray paint.