This week I have been having fun combining the two for them! Today, I set up a glowing oil & water experiment, and the results were amazing! Rosie and Jewel didn't want to stop exploring, and even I was left in awe!

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- Baby oil
- A pie pan or clear container
- Pipettes
- Neon Paint
- Small bowls
- Water
Note: For the best effect you will want to use a blacklight for this activity. My girls love using these super cool flashlights. We also have a blacklight fixture that we often use. I also recommend these uv-safety glasses. My girls love wearing them, and they will protect kids eyes if (or shall we say when) they shine the lights at each other.
Making the glowing water colors
- Add a teaspoon of glowing paint to a bowl, using one bowl for each color of glowing water that you wish to make.
- Fill the bowls with very warm water and mix until the paints dissolve into the water.
- You will now have a variety of glowing waters to use for this experiment!

Pretty cool, right?
Now, the experiment can begin!
Have children use a pipette or small straw to drop the colorful waters into their container of oil.
No matter how much colored water is added the oil the oil and water will not mix! Isn't that cool science?Now, the experiment can begin!
Have children use a pipette or small straw to drop the colorful waters into their container of oil.

The Science Behind the Fun
For older kids you can talk in detail about the densities of the two liquids and why they do not mix. I explained this to Rosie in light detail given her age, and we mostly just focused on having FUN!
Want more on the science?
Visit these helpful links:
Note: These are the glowing paints that we use in our activities. The blacklight flashlights that we use can be found on Amazon here.