We love finding unique & creative ways to make our own art supplies.
The process is fun, and kids are always so proud of the artwork created. You can make paint in endless ways using whatever you have on hand, and each recipe provides different experiences and way to play. Today, we are sharing an easy way to make your own washable watercolors at home.

Take something old and turn it into new with this easy paint recipe for kids! My girls are notorious for leaving the caps off of their markers. This was a great way to get a little more use out of them!
How to Make Paint from Markers
- Dried-out markers
- Water
- Jars/containers
- Tape
- Begin by collecting dried-out markers. With two toddlers in the house we always seem to have an abundance on hand.
- If you do not have old markers and want to give this activity a try you can start with a few packs of fresh markers.
- Bundle the markers together by color, using at least three for each color of watercolor paint that you are making.
- Tightly secure the marker bundles with tape. Then, place the bundles upside-down in containers of hot water.

- Leave the markers to sit in the containers for 2-4 hours.
- That's it! Give kids brushes and paper, and they will be all set to create beautiful works of art!

- Store any leftover paint in jars or containers, and it can be used again & again!

An added bonus is that this paint is washable as long as you use washable markers!
A Few Tips:
- I have also bought new markers to make watercolors in this way. They are so inexpensive and store bought watercolors cost quite a bit more, so why not right?
- You only need 2-3 markers for each bundle, but the more markers that you use the more vibrant the paint will be.
- To make a large amount of watercolor paint use mason jars and lots of markers!