Ghost Eggs Experiment

September 27, 2020
Wow kids with science and make ghost eggs! #ghosteggs #ghostactivities #halloweenactivitiesforkids #glowinthedark #scienceexperimentskids #growingajeweledrose
I love coming up with fun and creative science experiments for kids.  Rosie and Jewel always have so much fun with them, too!  Today, we put a spooky twist on one of our favorite science activities and made ghost eggs!  Read on, and be amazed!
Wow kids with science and make ghost eggs! #ghosteggs #ghostactivities #halloweenactivitiesforkids #glowinthedark #scienceexperimentskids #growingajeweledrose
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My girls were in awe by this egg experiment and honestly, so was I!  Wow the entire family this fall using nothing more than what you likely have on hand.  Are you ready to see how?


  • Begin by filling a glass or jar 3/4 of the way with roughly equal parts of tonic water and vinegar.
Wow kids with science and make ghost eggs! #ghosteggs #ghostactivities #halloweenactivitiesforkids #glowinthedark #scienceexperimentskids #growingajeweledrose
  • Then, carefully place the desired amount of uncooked eggs into the jar.  You can make one ghost egg, or try this experiment using many eggs at one time.  Just be sure that the eggs are fully submerged.
Wow kids with science and make ghost eggs! #ghosteggs #ghostactivities #halloweenactivitiesforkids #glowinthedark #scienceexperimentskids #growingajeweledrose
It is now time to observe.


  • Have kids visit the jar often over the next few days, being sure to note any changes.  What do they think is happening inside the jar?  Journal their predictions.
Wow kids with science and make ghost eggs! #ghosteggs #ghostactivities #halloweenactivitiesforkids #glowinthedark #scienceexperimentskids #growingajeweledrose
  • Almost immediately you will notice that the egg(s) are bubbling inside of the jar.
Wow kids with science and make ghost eggs! #ghosteggs #ghostactivities #halloweenactivitiesforkids #glowinthedark #scienceexperimentskids #growingajeweledrose
  • You will notice the eggs bubbling throughout the experiment.  I wonder why?  What else might the kids notice?
Wow kids with science and make ghost eggs! #ghosteggs #ghostactivities #halloweenactivitiesforkids #glowinthedark #scienceexperimentskids #growingajeweledrose
  • After 2-3 days the eggs will be ready for exploration.  Carefully remove them from the jar. What you will discover are completely shell-less, ghostly eggs that GLOW!
Wow kids with science and make ghost eggs! #ghosteggs #ghostactivities #halloweenactivitiesforkids #glowinthedark #scienceexperimentskids #growingajeweledrose
Wow kids with science and make ghost eggs! #ghosteggs #ghostactivities #halloweenactivitiesforkids #glowinthedark #scienceexperimentskids #growingajeweledrose
So cool, right?  But why? 
Why does the shell disintegrate from the egg, and why do the eggs glow?  How does the egg stay in tact without a shell?  The answers are in the science!

WHAT happens to the shell?
  • The shell literally disappears!  The eggs don't look translucent.  They ARE translucent!
Wow kids with science and make ghost eggs! #ghosteggs #ghostactivities #halloweenactivitiesforkids #glowinthedark #scienceexperimentskids #growingajeweledrose
  • The vinegar completely dissolves the eggshells, leaving only a ghostly membrane behind.
Wow kids with science and make ghost eggs! #ghosteggs #ghostactivities #halloweenactivitiesforkids #glowinthedark #scienceexperimentskids #growingajeweledrose
WHY does the shell disappear?
  • The acidity in the vinegar breaks down the outer shell of the egg, but it leaves the eggshell membrane in tact.  To read a full scientific explanation on why the vinegar dissolves the shell of the egg go here.
Wow kids with science and make ghost eggs! #ghosteggs #ghostactivities #halloweenactivitiesforkids #glowinthedark #scienceexperimentskids #growingajeweledrose
WHY do the eggs glow?
  • Tonic water is "the secret ingredient" that gives these eggs their glow.  Read more on the science behind why tonic glows here.
Wow kids with science and make ghost eggs! #ghosteggs #ghostactivities #halloweenactivitiesforkids #glowinthedark #scienceexperimentskids #growingajeweledrose
Extend the Fun
Can you make ghost eggs in other colors?  Give the rainbow egg experiment a try using neon paint and find out!
Wow kids with science and make ghost eggs! #ghosteggs #ghostactivities #halloweenactivitiesforkids #glowinthedark #scienceexperimentskids #growingajeweledrose
Rosie and Jewel were in awe by this experiment and thought the GHOST EGGS were the coolest!  Get your littles excited about science, and give this magical Halloween activity a try!
Wow kids with science and make ghost eggs! #ghosteggs #ghostactivities #halloweenactivitiesforkids #glowinthedark #scienceexperimentskids #growingajeweledrose
Wow kids with science and make ghost eggs! #ghosteggs #ghostactivities #halloweenactivitiesforkids #glowinthedark #scienceexperimentskids #growingajeweledrose
Extend the Fun
Mind blowing egg experiments for kids- some of these are SO COOL!


Wow kids with science and make ghost eggs! #ghosteggs #ghostactivities #halloweenactivitiesforkids #glowinthedark #scienceexperimentskids #growingajeweledrose
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Wow kids with science and make ghost eggs! #ghosteggs #ghostactivities #halloweenactivitiesforkids #glowinthedark #scienceexperimentskids #growingajeweledrose
Wow kids with science and make ghost eggs! #ghosteggs #ghostactivities #halloweenactivitiesforkids #glowinthedark #scienceexperimentskids #growingajeweledrose
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More About the Author

Crystal Underwood is the writer and creator of Growing A Jeweled Rose. She has worked extensively with children and strongly believes in the importance of play at the core of early learning. She is passionate about the early years and believes that childhood should be a truly magical time in life. For all the best kids activities connect with Growing a Jeweled Rose below!