All the mess is contained and washes right down the drain once bath time is over. We have made many bath paint recipes, but this glowing bath paint remains the favorite. It is really easy to make, too! Are you ready for the recipe?

Glowing Bath Paint
- Shaving cream
- Glow-in-the-dark and/or neon paint.
- Cups, bowls, or a muffin tin
- Paint brushes
Note: For the best effect you will want to use a blacklight for this activity. My girls love using these blacklight flashlights. You can also use a blacklight fixture.
- Add the desired amount of shaving cream to a bowl, using one bowl for each color of bath paint that you wish to make. We used a muffin tin, which allowed us to make multiple paint colors at once.
- Add a dollop of paint to each container of shaving cream and mix until blended.
- Mixing the paint into the shaving cream allows for easy clean up once bath time is over, as shaving cream is a cleaning agent.
That's it! Your kids now having super glowing bath paint!
My girls were so excited by the glowing paint and jumped right in to start creating!

They played & played, staring in awe as the paints swirled & mixed, slowly blending into the bath water and eventually going down the drain.
Note- If you use glow-in-the-dark paint you will need to charge the paint by a light source before turning out the lights. If you use fluorescent paint you will need a blacklight.