This is such slimy fun! Kids get to tear up toilet paper, which they love to do for some reason. They get to grate soap, add water, and create their very own amazing mud that will leave them fresh and clean.
What's not to love, right? Are you ready to get your ghost on?
What's not to love, right? Are you ready to get your ghost on?
How to Make Ghost Mud
- 3 bars of Ivory soap
- 1 roll of toilet paper
- Cold water
- A sensory bin or container
- A grater
- Black craft foam

- Begin by having kids grate three bars of Ivory soap into a sensory bin or container.

- We placed our soap bars in the freezer overnight so that they would be icy-cold.
- Playing in the soap shavings alone was FUN!

- Once the soap is grated have kids tear a roll of toilet paper into shreds and add it to the bin.

- Rosie and Jewel loved this part!
- Now, slowly begin to add cold water and mix, slowly adding more water and mixing until the desired consistency is reached.

- After a bit of mixing you will be left with a gloriously soapy, dough-like material also known as GHOST MUD!

Ghost Mud Play
Ghost mud is seriously so fun! It is icy-cold and mold-able, yet squishy.
- Give kids dough tools and kitchen gadgets, and they are sure to find all sorts of ways to play!

- After a while I gave Rosie and Jewel black craft foam so that they could make ghosts in the icy-cold mud.

They loved this & played and played! Then, Rosie asked if we could add more water.
Sure, why not!

A ghostly muck- so FUN!

This simple activity kept my girls happily playing for a long time! Grab a bar of soap and whip up a batch of GHOST MUD for your kids today! I can almost guarantee they will have a blast.
A Few Tips:
- You can grate the soap while they rip the paper if you are concerned about your children using a grater. We had a quick talk about safety before they began grating.
- We used a grater with four sides so that all of us could grate at the same time. I also had a hand-held grater available. Each had a different size grate, giving us a neat mixture of soap shavings.
- Making ghost mud is not an exact science. You can add more or less water to create slightly varied consistencies.
- For this activity I recommend using Ivory brand soap.

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