The process is fun, and we always manage to save a few bucks along the way. Today, we tried to make glow-in-the-dark glitter. The results were beyond cool! If your kids love things that glow-in-the-dark they will love this project!

Glowing Glitter Recipe
Note: A blacklight is optional but recommended for the best effect. My girls love using these cool UV flashlights for our glowing activities. We also have a blacklight fixture that we often use.
- Add the 1-2 cups of salt to a zip-seal bag, using 1 bag for each color of glitter that you wish to make.
- Add 1 tablespoon of neon paint to the bag(s).

- Seal the bags tightly, and then have kids squeeze and mix them until the salt crystals are fully saturated in color.

- Once all of the salt is colored open the bags and allow the salt to dry for 4-6 hours.

- The salt may clump together but will easily break apart in your hands once it is dry.

Rosie and Jewel love creating glow-in-the-dark art, and this homemade glitter has really added to the fun!

For lots more glow-in-the-dark PLAY visit our kids playtime favorites.
A Few Tips:
- Just as with regular glitter this homemade glitter sticks best to wet projects.
- Another fun way to use this glitter is to squeeze school glue onto paper, and then cover the glue in neon glitter to make art.
- We used Epsom salt because it is a small grain, naturally sparkly salt.
- You can find Epsom salt at most stores or online here.
- The glowing paint we use can be found online here.