Read on to see how we made mud using just two ingredients!
Today, we combined a few ingredients to make the most amazing play mud for kids, and the best part is that this recipe is super "clean". If you are apprehensive about your children playing in real mud give this activity a try!
How to Make FIZZY Mud for Kids
- Baking soda
- Corn starch
- Food coloring
- Water
- Bin/container
- Begin by combining roughly equal amounts of baking soda and corn starch in a large bin or container.

- Add 2-3 spoons of black food coloring.
- Then, slowly begin to add water and mix, slowly adding more water and mixing until the desired consistency is reached. You want the mixture to be mud-like but not too saturated.

- Add toys and diggers, and the fun can begin!

Extend the Fun
- Give kids squirt bottles of vinegar to make the mud FIZZ!

- Rosie and Jewel thought this was so cool and had a blast making eruptions in the mud.

- We colored our vinegar with food coloring, and that added a really fun element our play. The red vinegar was especially colorful against the black mud.

- Play and explore with an ice volcano.
- Use baking soda to make slime.
- Make a sand volcano.
- Make hatching dinosaur eggs.
- Make ghost FOAM.
- Wow kids with magic treasure rocks.
- Make a volcano in the snow.
- Make "magic" snow.
- Experiment with color changing chalk.
- Make a volcano that glows in the dark!
- Try these fun activities for kids using baking soda and vinegar.
A Few Tips:
- We used food coloring to color our fizzy mud, but it did tinge the kids hands for a few hours after play. If you are worried about stained skin you can use black washable watercolors in place of food coloring.
- This activity is messy. I recommend laying an old blanket or drop cloth down under the play surface or playing outside/in the bathtub. Play clothes or smocks are also a good idea.
- Fizzy mud is only good for one play time and should not be stored for future use.