Keep kids busy with some "clean" fun this summer and make soap foam!

How to Make Soap Foam for Kids
- Dish soap
- Kool-aid packets
- Water
- Play bin/container
- Electric mixer/blender
- Bowls
- Food coloring (optional)
- Begin by combining 1/4 cups of water with 1 tablespoon of dish soap in a large bowl or container, using one bowl for each color of soap foam that you wish to make.
- Add one Kool-aid packet to each bowl. We also added a few drops of food coloring to achieve super vibrant colors.
- Mix the ingredients in the bowls on high for 1-3 minutes using an electric mixer. The longer you mix the ingredients the fluffier the foam will become.

- Once the desired fluffiness is achieved spoon the soap foam from the bowls into a large bin or play container, and the fun can begin!

Rosie and Jewel had lots of fun playing with the colorful, squishy foam. They scooped and mixed and cooked and blended. They formed foamy mountains, made colorful soap pies, and gave their toys a bath. They even pressed paper into the soap foam to make bubble prints.

The kool-aid in this recipe made the entire house smell, amazing too!
Extend the Fun
- Use Kool-aid to make rainbow play rice.
- Experiment with Kool-aid and make rock candy.
- Make play dough using Kool-aid.
- Dye kids hair with Kool-aid.
- Dye noodles for sensory play using Kool-aid.
- Use Kool-aid to dye Easter eggs.
- Make Kool-aid bubbles!
- Give these awesome Kool-aid activities a try!

Rosie and Jewel have loved playing in soap foam since they were babies. Here are a few photos of Rosie when she was a tiny tot. They make my heart smile. Happy playing :)
