You most likely have the ingredients right in your pantry, too! Read on for the easy recipe tutorial.

I love that Rosie and Jewel can make this play dough themselves. I also love that it is taste-safe, making it a great option for small children. Are you ready to make play-dough from marshmallows?
Marshmallow Play Dough
Recipe (per color)
- 6 large marshmallows
- 3+ tbsp of corn starch
- 2 tsp coconut oil
- Food coloring
You will also need:
- Bowls
- Spoons
- A microwave.

- Combine all of the ingredients in a microwave-safe bowl, and then heat on high until the marshmallows expand.
- This will take roughly 25-30 seconds, but you will want to watch closely. Kids actually love doing this part.

- Carefully remove the bowl from the microwave, and then mix the ingredients as much as you can with a spoon. Things will be pretty sticky at first, but don't worry. Just keep mixing.

- Once the ingredients are cool enough mix & knead the play dough with clean dry hands, adding more corn starch as needed.
- Continue to mix and knead the dough, slowly adding corn starch and kneading until the desired consistency is formed.

- Repeat the above steps for each color of marshmallow play dough that you wish to make. Then, the fun can begin!

Add play dough tools, cookie cutters, and other gadgets, and kids are sure to find all sorts of ways to play!
- Is your play dough too crumbly? That means you added too much starch, but that's ok. Just add a touch more coconut oil and knead it in.
- Is your play dough too sticky? That just means you need a bit more corn starch. Slowly add more and mix until the desired consistency is reached.
- Marshmallow play dough is only meant for one play time and should not be stored for future fun.